intelmqctl documentation


intelmqctl is the main tool to handle a intelmq installation. It handles the bots themselves and has some tools to handle the installation.

Output type

intelmqctl can be used as command line tool, as library and as tool by other programs. If called directly, it will print all output to the console (stderr). If used as python library, the python types themselves are returned. The third option is to use machine-readable JSON as output (used by other managing tools).

Manage individual bots

As all init systems, intelmqctl has the methods start, stop, restart, reload and status.


This will start the bot with the ID file-output. A file with it's PID will be created in /opt/intelmq/var/run/[bot-id].pid.

> intelmqctl start file-output
intelmqctl: Starting file-output...
intelmqctl: file-output is running.

If the bot is already running, it won't be started again:

> intelmqctl start file-output
intelmqctl: file-output is running.


If the PID file does exist, a SIGINT will be sent to the process. After 0.25s we check if the process is running. If not, the PID file will be removed.

> intelmqctl stop file-output
intelmqctl: Stopping file-output...
intelmqctl: file-output is stopped.

If there's no running bot, there's nothing to do.

> intelmqctl stop file-output
intelmqctl: file-output was NOT RUNNING.

If the bot did not stop in 0.25s, intelmqctl will say it's still running:

> intelmqctl stop file-output
intelmqctl: file-output is still running


Checks for the PID file and if the process with the given PID is alive. If the PID file exists, but the process does not exist, it will be removed.

> intelmqctl status file-output
intelmqctl: file-output is stopped.
> intelmqctl start file-output
intelmqctl: Starting file-output...
intelmqctl: file-output is running.
> intelmqctl status file-output
intelmqctl: file-output is running.


The same as stop and start consecutively.

> intelmqctl restart file-output
intelmqctl: Stopping file-output...
intelmqctl: file-output is stopped.
intelmqctl: Starting file-output...
intelmqctl: file-output is running.


Sends a SIGHUP to the bot, which will then reload the configuration.

> intelmqctl reload file-output
intelmqctl: Reloading file-output ...
intelmqctl: file-output is running.

If the bot is not running, we can't reload it:

> intelmqctl reload file-output
intelmqctl: file-output was NOT RUNNING.


Run a bot directly for debugging purpose. Command temporarily leverages the logging level to DEBUG so that all the self.logger.debug("message") in the bot will get displayed.

If launched with no arguments, the bot will call its init method and start processing messages as usual – but you see everything happens.

> intelmqctl run file-output
file-output: RestAPIOutputBot initialized with id file-output and version 3.5.2 as process 12345.
file-output: Bot is starting.
file-output: Loading source pipeline and queue 'file-output-queue'.
file-output: Connected to source queue.
file-output: No destination queues to load.
file-output: Pipeline ready.
file-output: Waiting for incoming message.

Should you get lost any time, just use the --help after any argument for further explanation.

> intelmqctl run file-output --help

Note that if another instance of the bot is running, only warning will be displayed.

> intelmqctl run file-output
intelmqctl: Main instance of the bot is running in the background. You may want to launch: intelmqctl stop file-output


If launched with console argument, you get a pdb live console; or ipdb or pudb consoles if they were previously installed (I.E. pip3 install ipdb --user).

> intelmqctl run file-output console
*** Using console ipdb. Please use 'self' to access to the bot instance properties. ***
ipdb> self. ...

You may specify the desired console in the next argument.

> intelmqctl run file-output console pudb


Operate directly with the input / output pipelines.

If get is the parameter, you see the message that waits in the input (source or internal) queue. If the argument is pop, the message gets popped as well.

> intelmqctl run file-output message get
file-output: Waiting for a message to get...
    "classification.type": "c&c",
    "feed.url": "",
    "raw": "1233",
    "source.ip": "",
    "time.observation": "2017-05-17T22:00:33+00:00",
    "time.source": "2017-05-17T22:00:32+00:00"

To send directly to the bot's ouput queue, just as it was sent by self.send_message() in bot's process() method, use the send argument. In our case of file-output, it has no destionation queue so that nothing happens.

> intelmqctl run file-output message send '{"time.observation": "2017-05-17T22:00:33+00:00", "time.source": "2017-05-17T22:00:32+00:00"}'
file-output: Bot has no destination queues.

Note, if you would like to know possible parameters of the message, put a wrong one – you will be prompted if you want to list all the current bot harmonization.


With no other arguments, bot\'s process() method will be run one time.

> intelmqctl run file-output process
file-output: Bot is starting.
file-output: Pipeline ready.
file-output: Processing...
file-output: Waiting for incoming message.
file-output: Received message {'raw': '1234'}.

If run with --dryrun|-d flag, the message gets never really popped out from the source or internal pipeline, nor send to the output pipeline. Plus, you receive a note about the exact moment the message would get sent, or acknowledged.

> intelmqctl run file-output process -d
file-output:  * Dryrun only, no message will be really sent through.
file-output: DRYRUN: Message would be acknowledged now!

You may trick the bot to process a JSON instead of the Message in its pipeline with --msg|-m flag.

> intelmqctl run file-output process -m '{"source.ip":""}'
file-output:  * Message from cli will be used when processing.


Sets the enabled flag in runtime.conf to false. Assume the bot is now enabled (default for all bots).

> intelmqctl status file-output
intelmqctl: file-output is stopped.
> intelmqctl disable file-output
> intelmqctl status file-output
intelmqctl: file-output is disabled.


Ensures that the enabled flag in runtime.conf is not set to false. Assume that the bot is now dibbled.

> intelmqctl status file-output
intelmqctl: file-output is disabled.
> intelmqctl enable file-output
> intelmqctl status file-output
intelmqctl: file-output is stopped.

Manage the botnet

In IntelMQ, the botnet is the set of all currently configured and enabled bots. All configured bots have their configuration in runtime.conf and their queues in pipeline.conf. By default, all bots are enabled. To disable a bot set enabled to false. Also see and

If not bot id is given, the command applies to all bots / the botnet. All commands except the start action are applied to all bots. But only enabled bots are started.

In the examples below, a very minimal botnet is used.


The start action applies to all bots which are enabled.

> intelmqctl start
intelmqctl: Starting abusech-domain-parser...
intelmqctl: abusech-domain-parser is running.
intelmqctl: Starting abusech-feodo-domains-collector...
intelmqctl: abusech-feodo-domains-collector is running.
intelmqctl: Starting deduplicator-expert...
intelmqctl: deduplicator-expert is running.
intelmqctl: file-output is disabled.
intelmqctl: Botnet is running.

As we can > intelmqctl stop intelmqctl: Stopping Botnet... intelmqctl: Stopping abusech-domain-parser... intelmqctl: abusech-domain-parser is stopped. intelmqctl: Stopping abusech-feodo-domains-collector... intelmqctl: abusech-feodo-domains-collector is stopped. intelmqctl: Stopping deduplicator-expert... intelmqctl: deduplicator-expert is stopped. intelmqctl: Stopping file-output... intelmqctl: file-output is stopped. intelmqctl: Botnet is stopped. see, file-output is disabled and thus has not been started. You can always explicitly start disabled bots.


The stop action applies to all bots. Assume that all bots have been running:

> intelmqctl stop
intelmqctl: Stopping Botnet...
intelmqctl: Stopping abusech-domain-parser...
intelmqctl: abusech-domain-parser is stopped.
intelmqctl: Stopping abusech-feodo-domains-collector...
intelmqctl: abusech-feodo-domains-collector is stopped.
intelmqctl: Stopping deduplicator-expert...
intelmqctl: deduplicator-expert is stopped.
intelmqctl: Stopping file-output...
intelmqctl: file-output is stopped.
intelmqctl: Botnet is stopped.


With this command we can see the status of all configured bots. Here, the botnet was started beforehand:

> intelmqctl status
intelmqctl: abusech-domain-parser is running.
intelmqctl: abusech-feodo-domains-collector is running.
intelmqctl: deduplicator-expert is running.
intelmqctl: file-output is disabled.

And if the disabled bot has also been started:

> intelmqctl status
intelmqctl: abusech-domain-parser is running.
intelmqctl: abusech-feodo-domains-collector is running.
intelmqctl: deduplicator-expert is running.
intelmqctl: file-output is running.

If the botnet is stopped, the output looks like this:

> intelmqctl status
intelmqctl: abusech-domain-parser is stopped.
intelmqctl: abusech-feodo-domains-collector is stopped.
intelmqctl: deduplicator-expert is stopped.
intelmqctl: file-output is disabled.


The same as start and stop consecutively.


The same as reload of every bot.

enable / disable

The sub commands enable and disable set the corresponding flags in runtime.conf.

> intelmqctl status
intelmqctl: file-output is stopped.
intelmqctl: malware-domain-list-collector is stopped.
intelmqctl: malware-domain-list-parser is stopped.
> intelmqctl disable file-output
> intelmqctl status
intelmqctl: file-output is disabled.
intelmqctl: malware-domain-list-collector is stopped.
intelmqctl: malware-domain-list-parser is stopped.
> intelmqctl enable file-output
> intelmqctl status
intelmqctl: file-output is stopped.
intelmqctl: malware-domain-list-collector is stopped.
intelmqctl: malware-domain-list-parser is stopped.

List bots

intelmqctl list bots does list all configured bots and their description.

List queues

intelmqctl list queues shows all queues which are currently in use according to the configuration and how much events are in it:

> intelmqctl list queues
intelmqctl: abusech-domain-parser-queue - 0
intelmqctl: abusech-domain-parser-queue-internal - 0
intelmqctl: deduplicator-expert-queue - 0
intelmqctl: deduplicator-expert-queue-internal - 0
intelmqctl: file-output-queue - 234
intelmqctl: file-output-queue-internal - 0

Use the -q or --quiet flag to only show non-empty queues:

> intelmqctl list queues -q
intelmqctl: file-output-queue - 234


intelmqctl can show the last log lines for a bot, filtered by the log level.

See the help page for more information.


This command will do various sanity checks on the installation and especially the configuration.

Known issues

The currently implemented process managing using PID files is very erroneous. If a PID is saved, the process dies and a new program gets the same PID, another program receives the SIGINT signal.